MGO Connect Customer Portal
Applicants can apply online for development and septic applications, pay fees, print receipts and permits, view project status, and send/view comments related to a permit application. Download Handout.
Create New Account or Login Existing Account
Go to www.mgoconnect.org/cp/portal and bookmark website.
Select “New Account” to set up a customer profile.
Select “Login” to access existing account and view “Projects”.
Application Process
Select “Apply Online” and choose Project Type.
Complete application information, upload required documents and “Submit”.
DoD staff will review application and Accept, Return or Reject.
Application will be Returned if missing information. Applicant can update the project and "Submit".
An invoice will be emailed to applicant and sent to portal. Invoice balance must be paid within 5 days of receipt.
After payment is received, a DoD inspector will review/inspect the proposed project.
Approved permit will be located under “Docs” and “Plan Review”.
Development Permit Required Documents
Accessory Structure: barn, detached garage, pool, shed, storage bldg. and addition ≥ 300 SF
Survey or site plan with location of structure
Copy of Deed required if owned property less than three (3) years
Habitable Structure: single family home, mobile home, manufactured/tiny home, and guest/pool house
Floor plan – basic layout or diagram of spatial use (bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, garage, etc.)
Site plan with location of structure and driveway
Lot grading plan (within subdivision only)
Culvert application and 911 address application (complete and attach to online permit application)
Copy of Deed required if owned property less than three (3) years
Commercial or Multi-Family: Contact the DoD office prior to applying with Fire Marshal's office.
Septic Permit Required Documents
Aerobic: design, tech form, soil evaluation, filed affidavit and initial maintenance contract
Alteration: design w/alteration details, tech form required if details aren’t on design
Hook-To: design of existing system or uncover tank lids, filed affidavit if a conventional system
Repair: design of existing system highlighting the location and description of repairs
File affidavits online at Ellis County Clerk’s Department. Incorrect address and legal description on affidavit will not be accepted. Contact DoD office to verify.
Pay Online
After an invoice is received, the applicant can go to "Fees" tab within project to pay online. A receipt will be added to the project after payment is processed. See Master Fee Schedule
MGO Connect Mobile
Download the “MGO Connect” app on an Apple/Android mobile device to access online permitting services.
Customer Support
New account & tech questions contact MGO Helpdesk 866-957-3764 (Option 1). Additional questions contact Department of Development office 972-825-5200.
foto de Journal Review
Click corresponding tab for more information